
Friday, May 12, 2006

What is BeautyBliss?

BeautyBliss is my makeup, hair product, and general beauty review blog. I'm not employed by any company dealing with beauty products, so all of my opinions come straight from my product tests. The reason I started this blog is because I own more makeup than anyone else I know. I have drawers full of hairproducts, baskets full of makeup hanging from my bedroom ceiling, and drawers stacked with nail products and beauty tools.

I have combination skin, with a pale olive complexion. I wear clear contacts, have dark brown eyes and dark brown hair (which is dyed often, but is currently black). I'm 5'1, my hair is fine/limp, I'm prone to acne. Sorry if that was incredibly dry, it's important stuff to know about me if you want to try all the makeup I use! Note: A product that may work well on me, may not work well on you, even if our skin types are similar. Likewise, products you may love may not work well on me.

When I post about any product, I'll always try and include where I bought it, when, and how much it cost. If you have any questions, please ask me!


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